2017 Annual Report

Expended $218,797 on Program Services and utilized over 8,130 hours from Board, volunteers and other team members to support operations and event activities
$10,500 to create a Community Learning Center in Nuevo Durango, Quintana Roo, Mexico
$10,000 grant to support health and wellness in Northern Haiti
$10,000 to support the ongoing sustainability programs of partner Trees Water People
$9,409 grant to enable the creation of community space in Roatan, Honduras
$8,000 to assist with rehabbing and constructing the garden areas at Pine Street Inn in
Dorchester, MA
$5,866 to support Camp Southern Ground for their operations in partnership with the Zac Brown Band
$1,000 to support Community Food Share in Boulder, Colorado
$1,000 donation for additional shelter improvements at Project WeHOPE homeless
shelter in East Palo Alto, California
$10,000 donation to Trees, Water & People, allowing us to offset 1,000 tons of carbon dioxide
75+ cases of school, medical, clothing and other supplies for residents in the Dominican
Republic and Mexico
Hosted four service days with partner Dreams for Mayan Children in Dos Palmas, Mexico, to create community gardens and beautify classrooms with Castaway with Southern Ground, Panic en la Playa, Avett Brothers At The Beach and One Big Holiday guests.
Prepared the grounds for a new community center with Strings & Sol and Closer to the Sun Day of Service & Celebration in Central Vallarta, Mexico
Spent quality time playing with and entertaining the children at the Bahamas Children’s Emergency Hostel on our first ever service day with Holy Ship! 9.0 guests.
Assisted with community beautification and improvements in Veron, Dominican Republic with Domincan Holidaze guests.
100+ Jam Cruisers resurfaced and improved the BMX course for the Two Wheels One
Love program near Ocho Rios, Jamaica
2018 Financial Overview
We are dedicated to transparency and accountability and we welcome any financial inquiries from both prospective and current donors. Below, you can find our revenue and expense graphs, links to third-party, independent reviewers who have carefully evaluated our organization, IRS Form 990s, and audited financial statements. Please feel free to contact our Executive Director, Kristen Swager, at any time by emailing kristen@positivelegacy.com for more information.
Auction Proceeds $232,628
Surcharges from C9 Guests $109,140
Guest Donations $39,536
Day of Service Proceeds $30,046
Event Activities $17,028
General Revenue $512
Total Income: $428,890
Program Services $218,797
Grants $88,462
Personnel $37,670
Business Expenses $30,686
Bank & Credit Card Fees $6,183
Total Expenses: $381,798
How Can I Get Involved?
Thank you for your interest in helping Positive Legacy to make a difference in the communities we visit and serve! Here are a few ways you can help us:
Make a tax-deductible donation to support our Program Partners
Donate a unique, craft item, good or service to one of our Auction Events
Write articles or short synopses for websites, media and social media sources about your own experiences or the experiences of others at events
Fundraising support to research, identify and introductions to sponsors and corporate partners
Volunteer at events - collect and organize donation items, assist our team to prepare items for our Charity Auctions, staff the Positive Legacy table and participate in one of Day of Service events
We welcome other ideas of ways you would like to serve!
Contact us TODAY and let us know how you would like to get involved!
Leaving a Positive Legacy
2020 NE 35th Street • Lighthouse Point, FL 33064