Mind. Body. Spirit. Nature.
Positive Legacy Presents Our 2nd Annual:
May the Wellness Be With You Challenge
Exciting news! We're bringing back our May the Wellness Be With You challenge in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month!
You’re invited to join Positive Legacy and Backline in celebrating how nature cleverly intersects our lives to heal mind, body, and spirit! During our 2nd annual community fitness challenge, you're encouraged to get outside, breathe fresh air, and allow your body to move. You will find that when these elements collide and we connect with nature, it can provide endless therapeutic benefits including improving our mental health and overall well-being by alleviating stress, sharpening the mind, strengthening the body, and fostering personal growth.
Participants can set their own daily milestones which will apply to our overall community goal to walk 5,000 miles! There are many ways to reach your goal, doing whatever you like best! 1-hour of activities that aren’t distance-based equate to 5 miles, so no worries if you’d rather go to Zumba than run around the track. Dancing, yoga, meditation, and volunteering all count and are strongly encouraged!
Cool! How do I get involved? Visit the Positive Legacy event page and click the "Register Here" button to get started. Next, download the atlasGO app onto your mobile device from the App Store or the Google Play Store. Login to the app with the same credentials you used when you created your account. Now, you are ready to GO!
How do I help raise money for Positive Legacy & Backline? Ask your friends, family, and loved ones to support your efforts and donate based on your achievements in our peer-to-peer fundraising platform. Help us reach our goal of $2,500 knowing that 100% of your contributions will benefit Positive Legacy and Backline, plus you can win an amazing prize for being the Top Fundraiser!
Why should I register now? Every person who registers between now and May 8th will automatically be entered to win a wellness swag bag!
How to do I receive wellness challenge updates? Be sure to join our May The Wellness Be With You Facebook Group for wellness tips and for some fun camaraderie amongst your fellow Wellness Warriors!
#OneWorldUnitedThroughWellness... one mile at a time!