Jam Cruise partners with Trees, Water & People (TWP), a non-profit organization that manages award-winning carbon offsetting programs throughout Central America. Throughout Central America, more than 80% of families cook their meals over open wood fires. These open wood fires create serious problems:
Smoke from these fires is a major cause of acute respiratory infections, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, tuberculosis, and eye diseases; Inefficient open wood fires require a great deal of fuel, contributing to deforestation; Open-fire cooking stoves, because they require a great deal of wood, release carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
To combat these problems, TWP and the Aprovecho Research Center have developed several types of fuel-efficient stoves that use up to 70% less wood than traditional open fire stoves. The technology behind the stoves is simple and very low-maintenance, and the stoves can be manufactured locally, using local materials, and adapted to meet local cooking customs.
Jam Cruise offsets more than 2,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions though TWP’s stove program. However, this offset does not include the emissions created by passengers traveling to and from Fort Lauderdale. Last year, more than 600 passengers offest their carbon making Clould 9 and the Jam Cruise passengers one of TWP’s largest carbon offset partners!
You can purchase carbon offsets during embarkation and on board at Greening Headquarters from Greening and TWP staff. Each passenger that offset’s their personal travel will receive a ticket to the Greening Celebration featuring Matt Butler & the Everyone Orchestra.