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Craft Partnership: Griffin Claw, GiGi’s Playhouse & TRI-21 Beer


Updated: Sep 13, 2021

The TRI-21 Project is an open collaboration beer by Griffin Claw Brewing Company dedicated to raising awareness for individuals with Down Syndrome, also known as Trisomy 21. Inspired by Griffin Claw CFO Pat Craddock’s son Ian, who was born with Down Syndrome in 2015, TRI-21 was conceived to leverage the giving spirit of people involved in the craft beer industry to drive acceptance and awareness for individuals with Down Syndrome. The TRI-21 Project is intended to generate support for GiGi’s Playhouse Down Syndrome Achievement Centers, an international network of facilities created to provide free therapeutic, educational, and career training programs to individuals living with Down Syndrome. The release of the TRI-21 beer will bolster support and awareness for GiGi’s Playhouse during World Down Syndrome Month in October.

GiGi’s Playhouse: GiGi’s Playhouse provides a support network for thousands of families and individuals with Down Syndrome. GiGi’s is a Down Syndrome achievement center founded in the Midwest that has grown to over 50 locations from coast-to-coast across the United States and in Mexico, with the goal of changing the way the world views Down Syndrome, while also sending the global message of acceptance for all. “With the TRI-21 Project idea bouncing around in my head for so long, it took teaming up with GiGi’s to get this off-the-ground,” explains Craddock. “I’m excited to see what this project brings for such a great organization.

Pours for Positive: In 2021, Griffin Claw joined the Pours for Positive initiative to amplify their messaging around TRI-21, and to build awareness of the effort in the broader marketplace. When joining P4P, Pat shared his enthusiasm for the partnership saying, “So many of us in [the craft] industry know the power beer has to contribute positive things to our communities; I think the TRI-21 Project is just one demonstration of bringing that power to the greater public. When we became aware of Pours for Positive and their mission to streamline charitable initiatives, we were excited to learn more about the organization and ultimately connect to launch the TRI-21 Project and beer.” Pours for Positive is proud to support the efforts of Griffin Claw and GiGi’s Playhouse as they work to improve the support network of those living with Down Syndrome.

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