Last year, Positive Legacy sponsored TeachRock's civic environmentalism curriculum, a six lesson plan for students to identify, analyze, and explore specific details and events related to the origins of the environmental movement in the US.
This year, in honor of Earth Day 2022, students from across the country were encouraged to participate in the #EarthDayRemix project. As a part of the "Greta Thunberg, Music, and the Climate Crisis" lesson, students were asked to consider how musicians helped spread climate activist Greta Thunberg’s message to the UN.
Check out this sampling from the 100s of students who participated and shared their reimaginings of Greta Thunberg's famous speech made with the unifying theme of protecting our planet!
Positive Legacy proudly provided seven (7) $200 mini-grants to all the participating classrooms and teachers for new school supplies.
To see the full curriculum, visit: